Organisational Assessment

The Organisational Assessment is a tool to help you consider the different areas of your organisation, identify strengths, and identify areas to develop.

The assessment is split into 12 themes. You can complete the full assessment and answer all of the questions, or you can complete just the sections that are relevant to your organisation.

Each of the 12 themes is split further into ‘sub-themes’ which include questions relevant to that sub-theme.

Before selecting your answer, we recommend that you discuss the questions with the people involved in each area of work, as different people may have different perspectives on the same issue or question. Hearing their views will help to identify the most accurate answer for your organisation.

Complete the assessment in the order listed or use the navigation bars on the left-hand side of the page to complete themes in any order. You can save your answers as a draft and come back to them later, or mark the section as complete to submit your answers to that theme. Completed themes will show a tick symbol on the navigation bar, along with how long ago it was previously completed.

You can skip any themes that are not relevant by clicking the arrow keys at the bottom of the theme page, or by clicking the next theme title in the navigation bar. However, please note that you should avoid leaving a theme partially complete, because each unanswered question will be counted as 0% and lower that theme’s overall average score.

Read our Organisational Assessment Guidance for more help.

Once you have submitted your answers to each chosen theme, you can see an overview of your results by clicking the results tab at the bottom of the navigation bar, which includes charts that represent your average scores. You can also see a more detailed breakdown of each theme by clicking on the theme titles on the results page or navigation bar, which can help you prioritise areas for development. You can view and download your organisation’s results for all the themes from the results page.

Show question breakdown: To view your responses to each of the statements click on the toggle next to ‘Show question breakdown’ when on a theme’s results page. Your last saved response will be shown next to the statement.

Organisation results: As well as your own results you can also view the merged results of everyone who is a member of the organisation by clicking on the toggle after ‘Show organisation results’. This toggle can be found on every page and on the main results page. You can also compare organisational results by adding in a past date of approximately when the last assessment was completed and clicking ‘compare’.

Next steps
The results of the Capacity for Conservation Organisational Assessment will give a good baseline of the institutional capacity of your organisation and can be used to inform organisational planning. If the self-assessment is repeated every year then trends in capacity development can be seen. Themes can be retaken independently; to do this click ‘Retake this theme’ button on a theme’s results page.

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