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Partnership Guidance for Working with Other Organisations

Created: 2014-10-08
Author: Fauna & Flora International Language: English
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Accountability Partnership Partnership Agreement Partnership Assessment Partnership Strategy Risk Assessment

Who would find this resource useful?

Conservation organisation that work, or are planning to work, with other organisations

An organisation might use this resource when….

  • At the beginning of a joint project or response to ensure that essential issues around working in partnership are considered
  • When preparing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or similar agreement
  • When the relationship is reviewed

How can this resource help?

  • Provides an introduction to partnerships and other organisational relationships, including the rationale for joint working and characteristics of effective partnerships
  • Outlines the key processes and issues to be aware of throughout the lifecycle of a relationship
  • Contains tools to help in managing specific issues or tasks

English version.

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