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Building Civil Society support: A Good Practice Guide for BirdLife Partners

Criado: 2022-07-06
Author: BirdLife International Língua: Inglês
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Who would find this resource useful?

The guide has been developed by and is focused on BirdLife Partners and Associates. But given the wide variety of Partners, in terms of size, resources and remit, the guide may also be of use to the wider conservation community – all of whom engage civil society in their work in one way or another.

An organisation would use this resource when..

…wanting to effectively build and strengthen public support for their organisation.

How can this resource help?

The bulk of this guide is made up of the good practices and case studies that emerged from these conversations, so was truly developed from the bottom up. This guidance seeks to help BirdLife Partners cultivate and nurture supporters and members and to source from across the BirdLife Partnership practical, affordable and scalable strategies on how to build a strong, dedicated and growing network around civil society engagement.

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