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Funding Tracker – Organisational vs. Programme

Created: 2016-04-25
Author: Fauna & Flora International Language: English
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Accountability Audit Donor Relationship Finance Assessment Finance Strategy Financial Sustainability Fundraising Plan Grantmaking Indicators Monitoring Plan Organisational Planning

Organise your fundraising work by prioritising it according to your organisation as a whole. It may be divided into two different sections:

Organisational needs

All the items (people’s salaries, services, travel, materials, equipment) needed to be able to run the basic office/programme activities)

Programme needs

All the items (people’s salaries, services, travel, materials, equipment, events) needed to run the projects on going, but are not specific to one project.

Make sure to also download the guidance sheet titled “Guidance on using Funding Grids” – for extra user support!


English version.

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