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Work/life balance and the importance of looking after our own wellbeing

Created: 2023-11-07
Language: English
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Welcome to this session on personal wellbeing.

In this course, the focus is on looking after ourselves. This is something many conservationists can struggle to pay enough attention to, though if we do, it can have clear benefits – for ourselves, those we work with, and the work itself.

We hope at the end of this course you come away with a better understanding of the areas you need to pay better attention to, and some practical ideas to take on board to help reduce stress and improve your personal wellbeing.

  • Why is conservation career so stressful?
  • Evaluating your own stress and wellbeing

Mindfulness as a tool to support leaders in conservation:

  • What is mindfulness?
  • The five senses exercise
  • Practical steps for yourself and your team
  • In summary

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