An organisation that wants to implement a simple staff appraisal system.
An organisation might use this resource when….
wanting to implement a staff appraisal system. The purpose of Appraisal is:
To ensure that staff are carrying out their duties to the standard required
To ensure that the time and effort of staff is focused on the priorities of the organisationas set out in the Strategic Plan, and other documents such as the Job Description.
To review progress against objectives set at the previous appraisal. For the manager and staff member to discuss successes and disappointments – to applaud successes and agree how weaknesses can be overcome and performance improved.
To discuss and agree personal and professional objectives for the coming year. (An example of a personal objective is “to improve the quality of your written reports).
For the staff member to be able to discuss their work and to decide whether additional guidance or training is necessary.
How can this resource help?
This resource includes explanatory notes and an appraisal form template that can be adapted for an organisation’s needs.