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Monitoring and Evaluation for Wildlife Conservation

Created: 2022-09-08
Author: WildTeam Language: English
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Organisational Planning Project Management

Who would find this resource useful? 

The purpose of this best practice is to provide conservationists with guidance on how to plan their monitoring and evaluation activities and report on the success of their work in terms of the impact achieved.

How can this resource help?

Conservationists can measure the success of their work by how much impact they achieve. Measuring and documenting their impact is essential for conservationists to:

  • Make informed management decisions, on whether to continue, adapt, or stop their current work.

  • Learn from success and failure, so that they, and others, can create stronger plans for future work.

  • Be accountable for the activities they carry out and the funds they spend.

If conservationists do not measure and report on their impact, they risk wasting time and funds on work that does not lead to the desired change in the situation of interest.

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