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How to Monitor and Evaluate Advocacy

Created: 2014-10-07
Author: Oluwakorede Asuni Language: English
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Advocacy Data Collection Indicators Monitoring Plan Project Planning

Who would find this resource useful?

This toolkit should be useful to anyone working in an organisation or project who is concerned about the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the work of the project or organisation.


An organisation might use this resource when….

This toolkit will be useful when:

  • You are setting up systems for data collection during the planning phases of a project or organisation
  • You want to analyse data collected through the monitoring process
  • You are concerned about how efficiently and how effectively you are working
  • You reach a stage in your project, or in the life of your organisation, when you think it would be useful to evaluate what impact the work is having
  • Donors ask for an external evaluation of your organisation and or work


How can this resource help?

This toolkit deals with the “nuts and bolts” (the basics) of setting up and using a monitoring and evaluation system for a project or an organisation. It clarifies what monitoring and evaluation are, how you plan to do them, how you design a system that helps you monitor and an evaluation process that brings it all together usefully. It looks at how you collect the information you need and then how you save yourself from drowning in data by analysing the information in a relatively straightforward way. Finally it raises, and attempts to address, some of the issues to do with taking action on the basis of what you have learned.

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