Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework
Who would find this resource useful?
Anyone who wants to learn more about project planning, monitoring and evaluation in the context of conservation and development projects
An organisation might use this resource when….
Wishing to have information and step by step guidance on:
- Planning a project
- Completing situation analysis (e.g. stakeholder analysis, conceptual modelling, problem tree)
- Designing a monitoring and evaluation framework
How can this resource help?
The guidelines present the Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF) approach adopted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The DMF approach is based on a contemporary application of the logical framework—logframe—also referred to as project cycle management (PCM) used by bilateral and multilateral development agencies. However, the guidelines clarify the concept of the results chain, comprised of inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts, used for most project plans.