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Building Capacity through Financial Management

Created: 2014-10-08
Author: John Cammack Language: English
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Budget Training Capacity Building

Who would find this resource useful?

It is written for non-government organisations (NGOs), larger community-based organisations (CBOs), and charities. For organisations with established systems, it provides challenging questions, both for their

own organisation and for the way in which they work with others. It is hoped that the book will be used by chairs and members of management committees, leaders, directors, managers, programme staff, administrators, and finance staff. It is a tool for large NGOs and donors working with their partner CBOs and NGOs. The content can also be used in training courses.


An organisation might use this resource when….

Looking at ways of building financial management capacity within your organisation


How can this resource help?

This book presents practical ways to build financial management capacity in a non-profit organisation. It describes best practice in the specific tasks of financial management – for example, planning and budgeting and financial controls. It gives examples of how groups and organisations build their own capacity. It also considers what leadership teams can do to guide their organisation’s long-term direction and it describes other financial management aspects that can be built into an organisation’s structure.

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