Organisational Resilience Festival

Over 5 days, from the 7th to the 11th of November 2022, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) held a global online Organisational Resilience Festival.

Over 300 registrants represented 149 different conservation organisations from 59 different countries. The festival featured webinars, training events, panel discussions and real world experiences from practitioners, facilitators and donors.

Where possible, sessions were recorded and links to both recordings (English only) and slides are posted below.

Keynote speech: The Art of Being Ready for Anything. What is organisational resilience and why should we care?
Presenter: Tracy Hatton, Resilient Organisations

Workshop: How resilient is your organisation? Talk and Q&A with FFI’s Partnerships and Organisational Development Programme
Presenter: Martha Kimmel and Laura Owens, FFI

Webinar: Leadership Transition for Building Resilience

Presenter: Catherine Squire, INTRAC and Framework

Case Studies: What does organisational change look like in practice?

Presenters: Thiri Dae We Aung from Biodiversity And Nature Conservation Association (BANCA); Janete Agues, Raquel Amador & Rocio Moreno from Maio Biodiversity Foundation; and Nancy Ogonje from The East African Wildlife Society

Webinar: Resilience and Crisis Preparation and Response

Presenter: Laura Owens, Technical Specialist, Partnerships and Organisational Development and G Dhoot, FFI’s International Health, Safety & Security Manager

Webinar: Leading a Resilient Organisation through Change

Presenter: Radhika Kothari, GroundUp Conservation

Webinar: Facilitating Organisational Change

Presenter: Marianne Carter, FFIs Director of Conservation Capacity and Leadership

Webinar: Building Financial Resilience

Presenter: Laura Owens, FFI’s Partnerships & Organisational Development Technical Specialist, and Estrela Matilde from Fundação Príncipe

Workshop: You want funding for what? Presenting an organisational development elevator pitch for a donor

Presenter: Alerick Pacay, FFI

Panel Discussion: The role of donors in supporting CSO organisational resilience

Presenter: Kate Mastro, WCS with Matthew Cassetta, Executive Director at JRS Biodiversity Foundation; Tommy Sheridan, Conservation Networks Manager at Wildlife Conservation Network; Gemma Goodman, Head of Conservation Programmes, Synchronicity Earth; and Kama Dean Fitz, Contract Program Officer with the Organizational Effectiveness Program for the David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Webinar: Strength in diversity: Resilience through building networks

Presenter: Arica Hill, Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) and Martha Kimmel, FFI’s Partnerships and Organisational Development Technical Specialist

Workshop: Accessing support. A collaborative introduction to online support, networking and learning opportunities

Presenter: Co-ordinated by Laura Owens, FFI

This event was made possible through support by Arcadia –a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin