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Verificação da Resiliência Organizacional

Organisational Resilience Check template

This resource is the offline version of the Organisational Resilience Check assessment on this website.

Who would find this resource useful:

If your internet connection is not strong or you work best offline, then downloading the template here may be easier than working through the online version here.

An organisation would use this resource to…

consider the different areas, identify strengths and areas to develop. A avaliação está dividida em 12 temas. Pode completar a avaliação total e responder a todas as perguntas, ou pode completar apenas as secções que são relevantes para a sua organização. 

How can this resource help

The results from this self-assessment will give a baseline of the institutional capacity of your organisation. From that baseline, you should then complete an organisational strengthening plan, to prioritise areas for strengthening and plan out specifically how strengthen them. Se a auto-avaliação for feita todos os anos, podem ser observadas tendências no desenvolvimento da capacidade.

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