Save Beisa Oryx Community Trust (SBOC)

Save Beisa Oryx Community Trust-SBOC is an Indigenous-led Conservation network of grassroot alliances of 48 Self Help Groups (SHG) with over 764 Ambassadors supported by 64 community scouts, and 34 volunteers, steward citizen science and species range evolutionary adaptation measurement, through an ongoing and collaborative species data collection, for the first-time these as resulted to a 15% annual population increase of Beisa Oryx and updated regional conservation status of other targeted Antelopes. SBOC Vision; Thriving Beisa Oryx and other Antelopes, and Nature, Coexisting with local Prosperous Communities. SBOC Mission; To create a collaborative network of self-sustaining, community-led conservation initiative for the protection of endangered Beisa Oryx and dependent Small Antelopes through community led, inclusive and multidimensional recovery strategic actions and plans conceptual framework for conservation of the endangered Beisa Oryx and Other threatened Antelopes. SBOC has proven to uniquely possesses abilities to coordinate these networks in conservation of the endangered angulates, building community resilience and livelihoods and ecosystem restoration. (link to SBOC achievements). This has resulted to a combination of SBOC existing data, expertise, stalled tested and proven connectivity systems and concepts-like the SMART citizen connect, application tools, and network of partnerships which has always been a strength.