A propos de nous


Capacity for Conservation is a free online resource for conservation practitioners to support and manage your organisation. It contains practical methods and an expanding collection of resources through which to assess, develop and monitor your organisation.


Capacity for Conservation believes that building strong conservation organisations is one of the most effective means of making a lasting contribution to conservation. It can be difficult to know which steps to take and what to prioritise when maintaining and strengthening an organisation, especially if there are limited funds to pay for additional support.

This website provides a way for you to access support for free and help guide your organisation to grow, become more resilient and effectively deliver your conservation goals.


Capacity for Conservation peut vous aider ainsi que votre organisation à:


Capacity for Conservation is a collaborative project, funded by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI), le Fonds Arcadia, la Fondation MAVA et la Commission européenne Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF).

Les collaborateurs actuels du projet sont Fauna & Flora et BirdLife International.

Parmi les collaborateurs précédents, citons Royal Society for the Protection of BirdsTropical Biology AssociationUNEP-WCMC et l'Université de Cambridge MPhil in Conservation Leadership

Les partenaires non-CCI qui ont contribué à la réussite du projet sont les suivants Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of KazakhstanBird Conservation NepalFoundation for the Philippine EnvironmentNigerian Conservation FoundationSociety for the Conservation of Nature in Liberia, Te Ipukarea Society (Cook Islands), et Ya’axché (Belize).

Vous voulez vous impliquer ou en savoir plus? Veuillez consulter le site contactez-nous!
