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Financial Sustainability Workshop

Créé 2014-02-17
Author: Fauna & Flora International Langue : Anglais
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Evaluation financière Planification financière Stratégie financière Viabilité financière Planification organisationnelle Cartographie des risques Analyse des parties prenantes

Who would find this resource useful?

Anyone planning or facilitating a  financial sustainability process – or finance strategy – for a non-governmental organisation


An organisation might use this resource when….

Undertaking financial planning, or looking at their organisation’s financial sustainability


How can this resource help?

This is a set of slides which can be used to run a finance planning workshop. It can also be used as a summary of the basic concepts and indicators related to Financial Sustainability.


For further reading, please also see the original resources from Mango, on which this workshop was based:

Financial Sustainability Overview



Anglais version.

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