Comunicação interna

Organisations are made of people all working towards the same goals, and conservation organisations with internal communications that support a cohesive organisational culture to achieve their objectives are the most effective. Communicating effectively with one another is the only way we can be efficient, make the most of other’s skills and experience, and avoid duplication.

Effective organisations have regular staff meetings, appropriate communications systems for the size and spread of their organisation, and a positive culture of sharing and communication. They will also have an internal communications strategy, which is monitored and reviewed regularly.


Precisa de reforçar a sua organização nesta área? Consulte os nossos recursos recomendados.

Estudos de caso

Para aprender com a experiência de outras organizações de conservação, consulte os nossos estudos de caso.


Precisa de medir o seu progresso nesta área? Consulte os nossos indicadores sugeridos.
